All the roads lead ... to Angera!

All the roads lead ... to Angera!

Here you will find useful information to reach Angera by car, train, boat or other means of transport of the territory.
To make it easier for you to stop, we provide you some images here below, with useful information: rates and parking time.

For more information contact the Tourist Office, Piazza della Vittoria at the landing stage, open from June to September.
Here are the opening times of the office.

How to get

Angera can be reached by car from Milan along the A8 motorway. The recommended exit is that of Sesto Calende / Vergiate from which you continue on the Sempione state road up to Sesto Calende; following the directions, take the provincial road 69 which leads to Angera.

From Alessandria or Gravellona Toce follow the A26 exit Castelletto Ticino and continue on the Sempione state road up to Sesto Calende and following the road signs, take provincial road 69 to reach Angera (download the map

By train it is advisable to get off at the Sesto Calende station from which you can reach Angera by bus or taxi. If you reach Angera from the Piedmont side it is advisable to get off at the Arona station and take the boat to the Navigazione Lago Maggiore pier.

By bus you can reach the nearest airport, Malpensa Airport (about 30km).

By bus you can take the line n. 17/20 Varese / Angera / Sesto Calende Travedona / Osmate / Ispra / Angera.

It is possible to consult the site

Where to park

If you arrive by car or camper, we provide you here below some indications about the parking lots in Angera.

Free large parking for cars or a minimum stay of campers: near the Hospital Ondoli via Madonnina - or in via Soldani near tennis sport center.

For campers you can also contact Camping di Angera clic here for references they provide services and are ideal for a longer stay.